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Journal zogger's Journal: A view from the left on the economic coup 1

Well, the first video link is, then some more, and my commentary.

  Here is a very "progressive" rep wih a retired IMF guy and economist being interviewed by Bill Moyers on the housing collapse and bailouts, bankruptcies and homelessness, etc. They hit some high points accurately, fox guarding the henhouse leads to a rapidly declining number of hens, and much fatter foxes, but neglect one critical and important aspect, the role of the private Federal Reserve and the entire central bank and fractional reserve thing, which is part of the three way rotational (Fed-Government economic advisors and officials-Wall Street) incestuous merry go round job dance in this ongoing and not even close to being over yet economic coup and heist of the millenium.

And here's an interesting article where the author claims Moody's deliberately fired analysts who just wanted to do traditional accurate ratings on risk, and replaced them wih toadies who would assign more "business friendly" people who would rubber stamp AAA ratings on about anything shoved at them. his sort of thing and ther recent busting of some insider trading fatcats is tip of the iceberg, IMO. This rot and corruption goes WAY deep, it is not a "few bad apples".

This next article outlines some of the arguments that run contrary to all the happy speak shill noises still coming out of the normal DC and Wall Street areas, this "jobless recovery" nonsense they keep spouting. It just ain't possible with so many efforts against an actual return to a wealth creation nation with a very well balanced and accurate money creation and supply system in favor of what they keep doing now, which is a "loot what wealth remains" series of overlapping policies.

This has been 80s type corporate raiding, just on a (inter)national scale. And I agree with Rep Kaptur in the vid,(remember, she is about as far left as it gets in US elected politics, and both those folks in the vid supported him initially) if the big O is *really* serious about cleaning up this mess, he needs to fire all his economic generals he has surrounded himself with and get some new blood, and some rad new ideas, and *not* from the same pool of high level mobster loan sharks. He fails to do that, this is so much political rhetoric, same old BS we always get. And that means, it ain't gonna get no better, just worse, for everyone but a relatively few high level fatcats.

Another thought, just *very* randomly generalizing, FWIW. I think, today, with all this evidence out there to look at, that most people, the ones who are still heavily "invested" in all these various digital manipulation and rearranging economic congames, are going to be losing their shirts, and drastically and dramatically so, and then be very angry and wondering what happened.

Why? Look at it this way, to "stay in", and "win", you are betting-and it is for real a bet- that you are just slicker, that you are smarter, sneakier, have more insider knowledge, have better timing, and are also *psychic enough* to stay several moves ahead, to beat the largest assemblage of wildly successful crooks ever grouped into a gang in the history of the world. That you are going to beat them at their game they designed and built, where they not only set the rules you can see, but can have secret rules and moves hidden way beyond where you can see or find out about, moves they can play but that you can never take yourself, PLUS, they control all the umpires and "scoring" of the game as well.

Would you even want to play a video game like that, let alone a real life high stakes game?

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A view from the left on the economic coup

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  • Hard to recover if you don't have a job. Anybody who works for a living rather than gambling (either on the stock market or Vegas or the horse track, same thing) knows good and damned well there is no such thing. If you have double digit unemployment that keeps rising, it isn't a recovery no matter how much money the billionaires are sucking out of the economy.

    The depression era humorist Will Rogers explained the difference between a recession and a depression: "If your neighbor's out of work, it's a recess

My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income. -- Errol Flynn Any man who has $10,000 left when he dies is a failure. -- Errol Flynn
