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Efficacy of Flu Vaccines and Antivirals

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  • ...or your take on it? I typically like to read what you journal about, but it looks to be long, and I might already be familiar with much of it.

    • by zogger ( 617870 )

      It's about past flawed research and a circular logic way of looking at whether or not even the older typical flu vaccine does much of anything to reduce mortality rates. A meta study analysis of past studies-which had a hard time being accepted in the larger peer reviewed journals- really questions this assumption that the vaccines are all that useful for most people or even all that effective. Most of the time they conclude most people could skip them entirely and it wouldn't matter much at all. One exampl

      • The conclusion so far is that the science behind both the vaccine and the anti viral drugs is really rather shaky, but because it has been accepted as "fact" for so long, that it supposedly works,...

        Ah, so the situation with flu vaccines is that the science on them we've been told "is settled", but in reality that's likely way too premature. (Hmm, now on what other major issue of our time have I noticed this very same thing...) But it's not just that, it's scientists meddling in public policy and politician

        • by zogger ( 617870 )

          Pretty much it. The mommiests and daddyists say trust us, it's just way too complicated for your dear little minds to grasp.

          One of the reasons I am so spooked over stuff like this is I nailed it heavily with my first official forward time wise geopolitical analysis and projection, a paper I wrote for school. I predicted back when I was 13 years old that *someone* would have to start bumping off a lot of people in the US right around this time frame because of soicial security and other sorts of unpayable pr

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