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Journal Daniel Dvorkin's Journal: Darwin film "too controversial for religious America" 10

The Telegraph reports that Jeremy Thomas' acclaimed film Creation about the life of Charles Darwin has failed to find distribution in the US because of religious controversy. Perhaps they were scared off by Movieguide, which describes Darwin as "a racist, a bigot and 1800's naturalist whose legacy is mass murder." Apparently a goofy collection of creationist propaganda on the subject of evolution is just fine for American audiences, but a thoughtful, balanced look at the person who created a whole new branch of science ... isn't.

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Darwin film "too controversial for religious America"

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  • I'm speaking as a Christian... the film is about the life of Charles Darwin, not his theory. How can the story of the life of a person who stumbled and denied God be of any controversy?

    Creation, starring Paul Bettany, details Darwin's "struggle between faith and reason" as he wrote On The Origin of Species. It depicts him as a man who loses faith in God following the death of his beloved 10-year-old daughter, Annie.

    If anything, it's a sad reminder that everyone are prone to amplify their own sufferings and

    • Well, obviously I disagree with you that denying God is a "stumble" ... but yeah. Whatever conclusions you draw about Darwin's life, the idea that we shouldn't even watch a movie about it is bizarre.

      • by pikine ( 771084 )

        Well, obviously I disagree with you that denying God is a "stumble"

        Just to clarify, I'm not saying that anyone's denial of God is a stumble, but it clearly is in Darwin's case. He had a relationship with God before, but the death of his daughter caused him to turn away.

        If you're just pissed off by what many Christians do, and then deny the Christian faith, it's really our fault, not yours. But if many car drivers are assholes, do you think the car or the car manufacturer has anything to do with that?

        • Actually, when Darwin denied God, that's when he stood up and walked straight. That imagery reminds me of something.

          Saying that Darwin left his religion because of his daughter's death is odd. You cannot say what caused Darwin to leave his religion, and it's more likely that such a powerful mind was simply persuaded by the evidence of his senses.

          • by pikine ( 771084 )

            Saying that Darwin left his religion because of his daughter's death is odd. You cannot say what caused Darwin to leave his religion, and it's more likely that such a powerful mind was simply persuaded by the evidence of his senses.

            The term "evidence of his senses" is a very subjective term because someone has senses only if he agrees with you. That's why what I said seemed odd to you.

            I have not actually seen the movie, but according to the Telegraph article, the movie is actually a depiction of Darwin's st

            • And there you go talking about movies as if they are reality. I once saw a movie that seemed to indicate that Jesus was pretty much in love with his Mom, especially when they had sex. True enough, if we take movies as fact.

              So, Movie Darwin certainly might have had motivations that Charles Darwin would say WTF to.

            • The term "evidence of his senses" is a very subjective term because someone has senses only if he agrees with you.

              More like what he was able to observe and test with his senses contradicted the Biblical story of creation, but that might get in the way of your rhetorical slight-of-hand.

        • If you're just pissed off by what many Christians do, and then deny the Christian faith, it's really our fault, not yours.

          Please forgive me that you haven't yet abandoned Christianity and become an adherent of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. That's really my fault, not yours.

          • by pikine ( 771084 )
            Mr. FSM obviously hasn't done much one way or another. Has he ever left your dinner/drawing table? There is a reason why Christians don't worship idols. They can't even breathe for themselves! Why do you submit yourself to worship an inferior? I'd rather worship my supremum God, thank you very much.
            • Mr. FSM obviously hasn't done much one way or another. Has he ever left your dinner/drawing table? There is a reason why Christians don't worship idols. They can't even breathe for themselves! Why do you submit yourself to worship an inferior? I'd rather worship my supremum God, thank you very much.

              Again, it's my fault that you don't understand.

Statistics are no substitute for judgement. -- Henry Clay
