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Journal pudge's Journal: iPhone Hacking 3

I got me a used iPhone. In playing with it, I installed PCalc Lite, as I am a longtime fan of PCalc (and DragThing, by the same author, James Thomson). I liked it and so I got the full PCalc, which has a lot more features, including a bunch of different themes.

Getting into hacking the iPhone, I thought I'd try to make a theme. You can't do this, I suppose, for now, unless you jailbreak the iPhone, as the themes are stored in the app and that breaks Apple's code signature stuff. But the same themes work on PCalc for the Mac, too. So I gave it a shot. Without further ado, my Slashdot theme for PCalc. You can also download the theme archive itself. Not sure why you'd want to, unless you're me, though.

Slashdot theme for PCalc

I also have been playing a lot of Quordy and Muddled, two word games from Lonely Star Software. A friend of mine from college wrote Muddled. And I wrote a Perl program that solves both games. Both use a dictionary (I grabbed 'words.sql', a DBLite file, from the Quordy bundle, after uncompressing the ZIP file with the .ipa extension). You just enter the letters you have available to you (in order from left to right, top to bottom for Quordy), pick the dictionary options and the game you're playing, and run it.

This discussion was created by pudge (3605) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

iPhone Hacking

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  • But how exactly did you get the image into your journal entry? I don't think I've seen that used before...

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      He's on slashdot's staff; he does a lot of the programming. You and I are mere mortals.

    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      Yeah, what mcgrew said ... we added this feature awhile back, and it is available to admins and special accounts, though I am not sure if it has been used before in journals (except by ThinkGeek []).

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