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Journal Dr_Ken's Journal: This Nub Qualifies As A *Bowie Knife* These Days? 1

I saw this review for a outdoor/hunting/whatever general purpose knife on the gear review page and was immediately shocked to see it referred to as a *Bowie Knife*. WTF? Originally Jim Bowie developed and made famous (or infamous) a large bladed hybrid dagger/short-sword combination specifically for use as a combat weapon. Bowie died at the Alamo presumably trying to cut & stab at the Mexican soldiers overrunning the place with one (or so the legend goes). And so it's hard for me to imagine Bowie thinking this little outdoorsman wannabe string-cutter qualifying as as even a belt knife let alone a Bowie. America today is overrun with marketing BS as history and with Americans who are sissified nimrods who don't know any better. Sheesh.

Not that anyone would really need a Bowie Knife for actual combat purposes these days, but dammit that is what they were designed for.

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This Nub Qualifies As A *Bowie Knife* These Days?

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