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Journal timothy's Journal: legal-related spam: coincidence?

Today, from a spammer with the handle (if not the name) "Zamri Ibrah," I got some spam that starts like this:

"Dear Colleague, We are currently handling collection matters in your jurisdiction on behalf of our clients and it gives us immerse pleasure to engage your professional services being a local attorney to handle this matter."

I wonder if they somehow got my name from a list of (say) law school graduates, or from the state bar association, or what. Or, as I suspect is more likely, it's just random shotgun spam that happens to have a profession as a hook. Pretty clever, actually; more people are ruled out (if they're not in that profession), but those who are may actually think that it's directed towards them.

This discussion was created by timothy (36799) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

legal-related spam: coincidence?

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