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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: Fucking goddamn Reich fanboyz 15

The response to the AC is useful, once again.

First, the AC, then my response:

Models, descriptions, and guides do not explain motivation, in this case for making cheese. Fun and profit, and cheese, for some, are what stimulate the pleasure center of the brain, not the models. Those are only the yellow brick road to cheese heaven. It is the path to happiness. But you still aren't approaching the reason why people follow that road. I am under the impression that you believe that politics is driven by...politics. So, does the recipe motivate the cheese maker? Well yeah, if he like to experiment, or whatever. Or is it the desire for the final result?

You draw a good map. But that's all it is. The real job is convince people to follow it. The legend on your map does nothing in that department. You are not showing why people make their choices. It is not political, I can assure you.

And please explain how voting for a person you don't like because the ones you do aren't on the ballot is in any way, shape, or form a "rational" decision. If you noticed how the recent voting went Europe, you will see it went down exactly as Reich describes, though only slightly less extreme. It also describes how the radical right acquired its power over the last thirty years in the US. Reagan's election makes his point. And you know what? Obama's too. His speaking out of both sides of his mouth is playing us like a fiddle. Fascism is making a comeback because of irrational behavior. Really never went away. It just went a bit dormant for time. All this crap about "no choice" is just that, a donkey cart full of manure. You all will do anything to absolve yourselves of any culpability. You won't get away with that with me. It is the single biggest issue at this point. It's your monster. Either control it, or kill it. Don't come to me with "Oops, too late to do anything now". Like ol' boy said on SNL, "FIX IT!" YOU fix it. Nobody's gonna do it for you.


I am under the impression that you believe that politics is driven by...politics.

If you want to be an idiot, simplifying and distorting an idea until it's simple to ridicule, then be my guest.

In more detail, politics is driven by morality which is driven by frames which is driven by metaphors which is driven by politics.

It is a circularly driven process, because there is a feedback loop. The feedback loop is based in biology. It gets stronger with iteration because of the biology of the brain.

You continually harp on getting to the biological basis, but you're too fucking stupid to see it.

The feedback loop is strengthened by this process because the brain circuits, made of neurons, are strengthened when they are used.

Using the metaphor strengthens the circuit in the brain that responds to the metaphor. I'm not being abstract here. I'm talking about real neurons forming connections in response to thoughts. It's all basic science.

And please explain how voting for a person you don't like because the ones you do aren't on the ballot is in any way, shape, or form a "rational" decision.

That wasn't the formulation of the problem. If you are going to form a political group with a unique agenda, you have two choices: keep the agenda uncompromised and form a tiny party with no hope of winning anything, or to pollute the agenda and form a coalition with a larger party that only shares a part of your goals, and perhaps none of your moral values.

The rational decision, if one hopes to have an influence on the candidates that run for office, is to form a coalition.

Reich was an interesting person, but he was a student of Freud. Freud's ideas are not scientific in any manner. Reich was an interesting crank, but he hardly had an explanation for all human behavior. At best he can explain only mechanisms related to fascism, but I am explaining all political rhetoric with a unified theory of political morality.

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Fucking goddamn Reich fanboyz

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