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Journal timothy's Journal: What about nosebleeds? 1

While I didn't have them anything like every day, I recall having a few nosebleeds as a child, but don't recall any recently (as in, near enough, the last 20 years).

Is there some special reason that kids get nosebleeds, or that adults don't? I seem to recall that it was a common occurrence on the bus, or in classrooms, etc. Some kids were persistent nosebleeders, and for others (like me) it was a once-in-a-while event. But I've not noticed this happening much among adults (in restaurants, airplanes, offices, etc).

As a bad comedian would say, What's *up* with that?!

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What about nosebleeds?

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  • Could be allergies, sudden temperature changes. New Years Eve I was walking through Northeast Philadelphia from the train station to my friends house for a party and once I got inside and cracked open a drink my nose started bleeding like nothing other. Took about 10 minutes to clot. Getting on the bus could be from the temperature change, in the classroom could be from being out at recess. When they eat it could be from the spices in the food, airplanes are probably altitude related.

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