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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: Let's tighten up the usage of morality 5

Morality is the general category identified as the basis of all politics, but that's a big subject.

Need to tighten that up a little, so everybody knows what is specifically meant. I'm narrowing this to moral values instead of the entire broad category.

What is a moral value? A moral value is used as a discriminator. By itself it's not good or bad, but it can be used to evaluate goodness or badness.

Moral Value: Industrious. The opposite is lazy. Hard-working people are good, lazy people are bad.

Not a moral value: Blue. If you like the color blue, this is not relevant to goodness or badness. You cannot identify good people by asking them if they like blue.

So a moral value is a category of things which can be used to discriminate between good or bad persons.

But, not all moral values are relevant to politics. The question now is WHICH moral values define which political positions? This is where you have to think like an anthropologist. Hit the big ones - list three for conservatives, and three for liberals.

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Let's tighten up the usage of morality

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  • used to make moral pronouncements - and still is, fo' some folks.

    Melanin-lacking heathens pronounce their moral superiority over the inherently more human, darker brethren. It is those who aren't so driven to congenital madness by generations of Vitamin D deficiency, and it's associated schizogenic bacterial and viral accumulations.

    • That's right. Skin color IS a moral value in the sense that I am using it (here's where Pudge trims the quote) but it's an example of how people have different priorities on moral values.

      Non-racists assign a value of NULL to that stereo equalizer knob setting which corresponds to skin color. Racists assign a value to that value-equalizer setting.

      • White people are the result of photo-chemical imbalance that predisposes them to a host of mental illnesses, and deprives them of immune-system functions, which protect dark-skinned people from physical and mental effects of infectious agents.

        The mental illness in pale people is manifest as a subtle paranoid-schizophrenic condition aggravated by a narcissistic sense of "self". The "other" is paranoically feared and thus reviled through moral propositions - which serve to offer a rational cover for the clini

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