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Journal timothy's Journal: Rich sauce for potatoes ...

Actually, just one potato.

But a smallish red potato (not quite fist-sized) cut into spoon-sized chunks, and nuked in the bowl for a few minutes (took longer than I'd expected -- perhaps 2.5 minutes in total, whereas I'd expected 1.5) with:

- 2 sliced button mushrooms
- a nice fat pat of butter
- 1/2 garlic clove, minced
- splash red vinegar
- splash soy sauce
- sprinkle of Herbes de Provence

makes a very rich sauce; maybe I should have used two potatoes, three potatoes, or. The herbs, butter, liquids, all blend together nicely as they boil. (Cover the dish with a paper towel.) Glad I forgot to sprinkle on any additional salt; even low-salt soy sauce has plenty. Butter + vinegar + soy, yum. If I were making something similar on the stove instead of in the bowl as a quick tide-over, I might have added some red cooking wine, too. Also would have been good with some kale or similar green -- this would make a nice wintertime snack after playing in the snow, too.

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Rich sauce for potatoes ...

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