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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: Come on people, it ain't that hard 6

Before an ignorant git decides they are opposed to raising taxes, what must they decide? That taxes are bad in some way.

Before a prison is built, what must be decided? The prison is needed. And why is the prison needed? Because not having the prison is harmful. Not having the prison has a bad consequence.

Before a citizen approves a millage to pay for educational facilities, they first must decide that education has importance.

So then, what is a characterization of all of these political decisions?

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Come on people, it ain't that hard

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  • However, my contention is that in each of the cases cited, there is a perceived need, and some limitation on resources available.
    The truth that there isn't enough money to buy everything,
    or enough space to move away from criminals,
    or enough time to let people figure everything out on their own
    sets the stage for someone to assert authority,
    bind people into various groupings, and
    leverage the pooled resources to accomplish stuff.
    Occasionally, these ends meet some generally accepted criteria for 'good'.

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