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The foundation of all politics?

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  • "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

    • So, before a politician makes a speech, they require Mao's gun? How many of these guns are there?

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by johnsonav ( 1098915 )

        How many of these guns are there?

        I don't know. But, one time I asked Mao if I could see his gun. He said, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours." That's when I got uncomfortable, and left.

  • The foundation of all politics?

    It comes from the politics gene. In ancient times, the amoeba that survived carried this gene on so that the world will be more interesting.

  • Is that a noun or an imperative verb?
    I said elsewhere that it's matching resources to desires.
    If it's a noun, and the answer is below, then I'm left to wonder if this is some Zen "turtles all the way down" jape. If that's the case, bravo.
  • self-interest.

    • Sorry, that doesn't describe why one person is in favor of the death penalty, and why his brother in identical circumstances is opposed to it.

      • How close am I?

        Anyway, I am right... for when the brother was sentenced to the death penalty for raping his sister, who is the sole support of her eunich brother who supports the death penalty. Once right, always right. QED.

A boss with no humor is like a job that's no fun.
