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Journal Timex's Journal: Just an interesting observation... 3

When I post something that catches my interest, especially if it's of a political nature, there are a lot of people that chime in.

When I post something that asks for information or clarification, few bother to say anything at all.

What I'm getting from this is that "Timex-grade blather" (thanks, Ethelred!) seems to encourage more people to say their piece, even if it's because the vocal minority feel the need to tell me why they think I'm wrong.


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Just an interesting observation...

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  • But your previous entry was labeled "question for photographers", and I ain't so I ignored it. [shrug]

    • Ditto, though it *did* contain a nice piece of trol bait:

      if Obama's actual intention was to avoid any religious undertones, why would he allow his script writers to use passages taken from the Bible, and why bother with making the speech at a well-known Catholic university?

      It's not *really* a "well-known catholic university". It might be well-known, but as a university. While their web site [] states

      The Georgetown education is a liberal arts education steeped in the Jesuit tradition of social action. No matter what their particular interests may be, all undergraduates explore broad intellectual horizons, developing a more thorough understanding of themselves and of the world around them, not simply a set of professional skills.

      ... that's a FAR cry from being a "catholic university' - it's a university first, and the requirements for admission are your SAT and ACT scores, transcript, and $, not your religious beliefs. Atheists, agnostics, retread xians, muslims ... they don't care.

      You're free to use birth control, get an abortion, believe in evoluti

There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis are chosen correctly.
