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Journal Timex's Journal: Question for Photographers 1

Obama gave an economics speech at Georgetown University recently, and many people noticed that the "IHS" monogram had been blocked-out.

Some worry that this is a slight against Catholic tradition, but the White House (and some others) argue that it was intended to "limit distractions" so the eye wouldn't wander.

My question to photographers: Is there any truth to that hypothesis?

Of course, this begs another question-- if Obama's actual intention was to avoid any religious undertones, why would he allow his script writers to use passages taken from the Bible, and why bother with making the speech at a well-known Catholic university? (This "bonus question" is thrown out there for everyone, not just photographers.)

[Edit: initial post of this JE used "graphic design artists" instead of "photographers". I thought this was better-aimed at the latter, not just the former. Terms were changed accordingly.]

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Question for Photographers

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  • Obama probably did not want confusion as to who is the real savior of mankind.

    From what I have read the Obama folks were straight up that they did not want any religious artifacts distracting from his message. And claim that it is standard procedure to just have the blue and flags behind the president.

    Georgetown, as a private Catholic university, ought to have told the president to find another location for his speech. Matthew 10:33, Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26 and all that.

Remember, UNIX spelled backwards is XINU. -- Mt.
