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Journal lpq's Journal: Earth's population: 'exceeding limits'

Looks like a few more people are beginning to wake up to the facts.

A US Science advisor, originally to Condoleezza Rice, but now to Hillary Clinton, Dr. Fedoroff, says we need to work on decreasing the growth rate -- we are approaching limits and are really probably over the limit of what the Earth can comfortably support.

I keep wondering who they idiots are that think earth can support multiple times the current population -- do they expect people to be hot-swapping beds and living spaces? Is everyone comfortable with their quality of life at that density? Could they be? Are there sufficient resources for everyone to be comfortable now with their quality of life? I certainly don't see anything close to a sign that even half of the world's population are happy or comfortable with their lives. Is it intelligent to condemn our species to increased misery and condemn other species on the earth to extinction in order grow, or, even maintain current population?

Earth *could* support more if **magic occurs** and we get unlimited, free, nonpolluting energy in unlimited volumes. But I don't see that happening in the near future...sure 'fusion' is just around the corner...but for how many decades has it been so? Given current tech we may be exceeding earth's population limits even now to allow for long-term sustainability of the planet. But if some don't care about our future as a species or about other species and a sustainable existence on the earth, then I believe those people are in the true evil among us that need to be dealt with in order for humanity to survive.

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Earth's population: 'exceeding limits'

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