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Journal GeckoFood's Journal: [misc] Cell Phone 4

Samsung phones suck donkey butt.

I have had two of them, the most recent being a Glyde. I have had it for 9 months, and after not being able to answer calls, hang up, dial, or search contacts because of a touch screen that gets messed up and requires a physical removal of the battery to reset, I finally decided to scrap it. When I was in the Verizon store talking to the sales person, I told her I was the proud owner of the worst cell phone ever made, and when she looked at it she agreed and told me that at that specific store they get 50 *replacement* Glydes every MONTH.

I took my Glyde in and had it serviced and had the software upgraded. That made it much worse.

My previous Samsung was not quite as bad, but it dropped calls. In fact it dropped a call on the DC Beltway - I was complaining to the service department about a sucky cell phone that dropped calls, and their answer was to spend more money. I guess a dropped call was convenient in this case.

My advice - don't buy a Samsung phone. Two soup cans connected via a string are much more stable and reliable. And if you have your heart set on a Glyde - well, I would seriously consider either buying something else or even not getting a cell phone at all because not having a cell phone is better than having one that you can't rely on.

This discussion was created by GeckoFood (585211) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[misc] Cell Phone

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  • ...I just bought an Omnia three days ago. No real complaints yet, but I'll keep it in mind.

  • One of the attorneys I worked with had a treo and the touch screen would activate during calls. So he's ears would be selcting things for him and he'd have to figure out what his ear had done after the call! My cell is a motorola, and it's pretty cool. The office might get me a Blackberry Storm which would be cool to play with: but it also means they can find me. Nothing ever comes free, eh?
  • A couple of friends have them, and I have serious phone envy. :-) More interested in it as a pocket computer, though, than as a phone.

    • The price keeps me from even thinking about the iPhone. A friend of mine has one and it looks really cool, but he doesn't deny himself anything electronic.

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