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Journal GeckoFood's Journal: [work] Men's room 1

Someone got a bright idea and decided to put an air freshener in the men's restroom here. Now, instead of smelling like, well, a restroom, the men's restroom literally smells like a bottle of cheap wine. Not sure who, not sure why.

This discussion was created by GeckoFood (585211) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[work] Men's room

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  • What I really hate are those automatic, timed, air stinkeruppers (I don't call that "freshening") that periodically squirt some disgusting, fruity-smelling fragrance into the air with a gross, flatulence-resembling sound.

    Really, who comes up with this stuff?

If you can't get your work done in the first 24 hours, work nights.
