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Let bygones be bygones

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  • I would have fired him long before he became an "independent". He's not the type of person I would let my children talk to.

    - He is also a consistent supporter of Israel.
    - In 2002, Lieberman sponsored a pro-Israel U.S. Senate Resolution (S. Res. 247) regarding the Middle East Conflict, "expressing solidarity with Israel in its constant efforts to fight against terror".
    - He has also opposed fillibustering Republican judicial appointments
    - He co-founded American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA);
    "In the re

  • but between this and the talk of Hillary landing at Sate, still disappointed.

    I was hoping to at least make it to inauguration day before I soured on him. Oh well.

  • ...that potential 60-vote majority of unstoppable, ram-roddable goodness. So yes, of course the contemplating alienating him was all a show -- they never contemplated that. We know that because we know that while "punishing" dissent is high on the list of Liberals' favorite things to do, gaining more and more power is numero uno.

The best way to accelerate a Macintoy is at 9.8 meters per second per second.
