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Journal Tet's Journal: Livejournal downtime 3

From a recent LJ news item: Our San Francisco data center is taking a little downtime for power maintenance, which means so are we

Errr... why? For a site as busy as LJ to be based solely in one data centre seems to be bordering on negligence to me. Sure, there are some issues with having multiple data centres, particularly if you're running them in active-active mode (I know, I've done it). But to not at least have an active-passive setup with a standby data centre? I don't get it. Why would you want to put all your eggs in one basket like that?

Also... Outage from power maintenance? In a datacentre? That's why they have redundant power, so you don't have to have an outage when they need to do stuff like that. I'd be horrified if my data centre did that to me.

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Livejournal downtime

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  • In your experience running servers, you're probably working for a corp which can "afford" no downtime. LJ feels they can. A bit of apples and oranges IMO.

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