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Journal SPAM: The case of Los Angeles gunshot incident 4

Kazuyoshi Miura was arrested for his involvement in Los Angeles gunshot incident. He was already not guilty in a Supreme Court decision.

US court said he was already not guilty because one incident is not argued more than once, but as to conspiracy he would not be charged by this so he ought to be judged in the US. They said arrest is just.

I think US can judge him in murder, or first degree manslaughter. Is US forgetting both US and Japan are different country? US court is acting as if Japan is a part of US even in judicial system. Though I can't deny Japan is already much involved in US political and economic system.

This discussion was created by mercedo (822671) for logged-in users only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

The case of Los Angeles gunshot incident

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  • First, it's Los Angeles, not Los Angels. Second, the word you want to look up is extradition. The Japanese government demands that we hand over US Military personnel who are charged with crimes, even if they are not in Japan anymore. How is this any different?

    • by mercedo ( 822671 ) *

      I think it was already more than 20 years ago theis incident occurred. Mr and Ms Miura visited Los Angeles in their honey moon. Both were shot by someone. Ms Miura was shot dead, Mr Miura was wounded.

      He was arrested in Japan after he came back. It was obvious he was not the person who shot her. He was charged in conspirating the crime with the third person who shot them actually.

      After a lengthy trial, Mr Miura was finally found not guilty, then he was released.

      Time goes by he visited Saipan for sightseeing,

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