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Journal Sylver Dragon's Journal: Quick rant on a pet peeve 7

I admin systems for a living. The vast majority of them are Windows servers due to a number of various constraints. As such, I work with the Windows GUI a lot. I'm also a compulsive right-clicker, I tend to rely on context menus to get through quite a few things.
So, my pet peeve, which I just hit again, twice in a row, and decided to complain about while I am waiting for a move-mailbox to finish:
When you right-click a program in the taskbar the bottom item of the context menu which comes up should be Close. Yet, some developers get the bright idea to change that. Don't fucking do that.
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Quick rant on a pet peeve

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  • the bottom item of the context menu which comes up should be Close. Yet, some developers get the bright idea to change that

    Why shouldn't' they? After all, MS does it with some of their apps!
    • MS isn't exactly some paragon of good choices. As you pointed out, they do this regularly (blasted IIS MMC interface). I still stick by my assertion, it's annoying.

      Actually, I dislike mmc in general. It has a history of being buggy and slow. Granted, the latest update to it seems to be more stable, but bringing it up is a good excuse to go get coffee.
  • In MS Word you cannot select text that has been deleted in revision mode - i don't if this is the way it was programmed or configured for us users but it is the way things are. Advice from others is that is the way it is (the source of the workaround).

    There is a workaround utilising about 5 clicks and soem copy and pasting - but why the hell can I read stuff has been written and has been changed, and want to change it back - but I can't copy it.

    PS: I gave up the other day because I wasn't in the right head

    • huh, not tried that. My documents are always perfect on the first try (hey, no laughing in the cheap seats).

      Actually, I just don't use track changes enough to run into it. I may have to go try that now, just to see it. By the way, which version of Office is this in?
      • by tqft ( 619476 )

        Gotta love office - I actually tried to copy and paste the version in at work yesterday. Can't do it from the Help About box. Forgot about going into msconfig and getting the info from there - really had the shits with excel - do not sort a spreadsheet with formulas referencing different rows - there is no way to keep the formula point at the correct cell if the sort moves the relative position of the rows.

        Work setup is XP, SP2, IE6 and I think Office is 95 or 97.

        My documents as perfect (:-)) when I write

        • Just gave the deleted text a go in Office 2007 and seems like it's a "feature". I can select the text after it has been deleted, but when I try to copy it to the clipboard, I get "The Selection is Marked as Deleted Text". Gee, thanks Uncle Bill.

          Also, the sorting in Excel still breaks formulas.
      • by tqft ( 619476 )

        Never post before coffee

        Office 2003 SP2

What the gods would destroy they first submit to an IEEE standards committee.
