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Journal SPAM: Final Responsibility 2

Tsutomu Miyazaki, arrested for allegation of little girl abduction and murder, was hung to death on the 7th of June. He committed his crime in 1987, so it was long ago.

Yasuaki Uwabe sentenced to death finally at the supreme court. He killed 5 people at the local station in 1999. He will be hung sooner or later.

Both two are recognised as mentally insane or similar, yet court admitted that does not affect to their ability to be responsible.

Insanity won't be a reason for them to be acquitted. I think this is the current in recent judiciary.

This discussion was created by mercedo (822671) for logged-in users only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Final Responsibility

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  • One must be a Soldier or Politician.

    • by mercedo ( 822671 ) *

      Tsutomu Miyazaki, born in 1962 and dead in 2008, who graduated from Meidai Nakano high school, Tokyo art & craft University junior college, department of film transaction. His IQ was 135, higher than that of the Tokyo University students.

      Yasuaki Uwabe, born 1964, graduated from Kyushu University, one of the most prestigous University, and first class construction designer - nationally certified, is a very elite everyone admits. He killed 5 people after having 120 pills of tranqulliser. He is also a memb

"Ninety percent of baseball is half mental." -- Yogi Berra
