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Why Hillary Deserves your UTTER Disgust, Contempt and Scorn!

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  • Take a look at this []

    This does not make me want to vote for a democrat. Unfortunately I can't stomach any of the republicans either. Looks like its a third-party candidate for me again.

  • []
    This site explains much of what you see on the news.
    I would have contributed to Fred's campaign, but he explicitely rejects federal contractors, which only makes me want to vote for him all them more.
    • She's givin' Greenspan's boys "the full-Monica."
      • I'm not comfortable framing thoughts about the sexuality of Cthillary or Bernanke's boys.
        That site deserves wider publicity. "Best government money can buy" was never more plainly displayed.
        • You're framing it incorrectly. "Monica" is about diversion, or distraction. "Wag the Dog". And yes, That site and Vote Smart [] should have our full attention, but sex is much more interesting.
  • All the others that are allowed in the debates deserve the same disgust. And so do the people that would vote for any of them. Right now I am much more disgusted with the mass media. They have made their endorsement and the voters are blindly, willfully following their lead.
  • Eh. I save my contempt for the "investment and securities" dudes who are giving money to Hunter, Tancredo, Kucinich, and Gravel. I hope those contributors are not the ones managing my 401(k) with "investments" like that ;)

"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere." -- Dr. Seuss
