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Journal Presto Vivace's Journal: Comcast's continuing PR meltdown

Comcast Embroiled in "PR Nightmare" as New Blog Emerges to Voice a Laundry List of Complaints--Complete with Celeb Endorsements

Broadband service is one of Comcast's most popular and lucrative products. But the powerful medium also is creating a public relations headache for the No. 1 cable company. A blog,, has begun to rally consumers irate about everything from missed or botched installation appointments to unresponsive customer service agents. Since Oct. 4, visitors have submitted more than 1,100 comments, says blog creator Bob Garfield, a columnist for Advertising Age and co-host of National Public Radio's weekly show "On the Media," USA Today reports.

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Comcast's continuing PR meltdown

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As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
