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Journal Spy der Mann's Journal: Why, God, why? 4

Morning. I wake up, and look over my window.

The sun is dropping its rays over the grass. I stretch my arms, and see that it is a beautiful day outside. The lake didn't look as beautiful as today. The air smells wonderful. The sun is reflecting on the town's wind-based power generator. The rain really did its work.

Good morning mom, good morning dad. Isn't it beautiful that the world's so peaceful today? After getting a bath, I go to play with my friends, because today is Saturday. No school!

Today we go to swim and fish, But not before we listen to our avorite band's music album, which they released on the internet yesterday via bittorrent.

I turn on my $50 portable computer and proceed to download the album. I'll donate 5 dollars to the band with my Jr. bank account - I feel in a good mood today.

My dad is doing his morning exercises today. Since he got his new printed heart he's been feeling as young as I. Mom's preparing some pancakes with natural butter. We got it from the cows in the ranch. No trans-fatty acids, all natural.

My brother is still recovering from the back accident he had the other day. His new stem cell treatment saved him from living in a wheel chair.

"Hey sonny, have you heard?" says my dad, reading the newspaper. "Finally the jews and the muslims made an agreement about Jerusalem!"

BZZZZT! The alarm clock sounded, and I woke up. Lonely as always.

Father died of Cancer, while my brother died of AIDS because he got dirty blood in his last operation 10 years ago.

I turn the TV, and I see George Bush threatening with WW-III. I change the channel and some driver ran over a pregnant womand and killed her. I have to hurry up and get to work. The sky looks grey as usual, and the air pollution is really heavy today.

I turn on my 200Watt-consuming PC and read the internet news. Another file sharer got sued for 200,000 dollars.
A video linking site got shut down and its webmaster arrested for linking to sites streaming copyrighted content.
The telcos have their immunity from homeland security, while a cable provider was found to interfere with legitimate bittorrent communications.

Another patent filed against Linux.
More dead people in Burma.

The U.S. still refuses to sign the Kyoto protocol, while a report just confirms that the earth passed the point of no-return regarding global warming. Say goodbye to the snows of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Another form of lung disease was found to be produced by Air fresheners.

I wish this was a dream, but it isn't. This is the real world. These are the news that you and I have allowed to happen.


(Note: The details about the family in this tale are all ficticious - but it could be your family.)

Why? Why have we let this happen? Why do we believe all that methane-producing crap that our politicians tell us?
Why do we give away our freedoms and let the people in power get rich with our taxes, while people are dying because
they have no Social Security?

Why are parents today getting divorced and fighting for all the money, while the children are the ones really suffering?

Why? Why is the world still worrying about Britney or Paris while people in the U.S. - not only Africa - are
starving to death, or dying from curable diseases?

Why? Is our youth already dead? Is it? Are we unable to solve the problems we have created ourselves?

It's not that we can't. It's just that nobody cares anymore. Good luck watching the gossip and pranks on TV. Because that's how problems are solved today, right?

Hello, all the young people reading this. Please listen. Having fun is OK, going out with your friends is OK, forgetting about your problems once in a while is OK.

But it's NOT OK to just blame everyone else and hope the world's problems are magically solved. Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

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Why, God, why?

Comments Filter:
  • But we still qualify for the Apocalypse.
    • Vote for me! I'm eligible in 2012! That'll be a great year! Apocalypse-wise anyway.

      Every nuclear weapon in America's arsenal will be destroyed!* And chances are, so will everyone else's! Global equality!

      *upon delivery
      • Every nuclear weapon in America's arsenal will be destroyed!*
        *upon delivery

        Well not if they use enough bubble-wrap!

        Anyway, 2012 will be the end of a cycle, not the end of the world.
        • 2012 will be the end of a cycle, not the end of the world

          I know about the "not the end of the world" thing. My take on it is that culture went extinct quite some time ago. They probably figured there wasn't a big rush to update their calender right away. They had centuries to do that. Some priest probably thought "we'll cross that bridge when we get there. We've got plenty of time to add onto it later. Hey! Who're these white guys?"

          Well not if they use enough bubble-wrap!

          Well, if you're talking about a del

Repel them. Repel them. Induce them to relinquish the spheroid. - Indiana University fans' chant for their perennially bad football team
