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Journal Wolfrider's Journal: ( JOY )

I am SO intending to marry this girl in MO!!

We've talked several times on the phone for (4) hours straight. She's H0t, she's Christian, she loves the Lord, and we can turn each other *on* from 1000 miles away!!

Pls keep me in prayer -- I NEED to find a JOB just so I can *visit* this gal (but you know what I mean -- gotta have Income before ANYTHING else.) Plus I moved from a $200/week h33lh0le into a $315/week "furnished apartment" extended-stay hotel. Nice place, and the Internet is *reliable and fast* -- which is Essential.

GOD, I just want to thank you for bringing her into my life -- we really do complete (and complement) each other.

To program is to be.
