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Journal slothman32's Journal: car with golf ball dimples 5

We all know that golf ball dimples help increase it's speed.
If "speed holes" were put in cars would that do a similar thing?
Maybe it could increase fuel efficiency.
Oddly enough they could be similar to the Simpsons episode where Homer acts like Krusty and is shot by Fat Tony.

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car with golf ball dimples

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  • Also, it has something to do with the golf bar spinning. I don't want my car spinning (or lifting), thank-you-very-much. :)
    • s/bar/ball/
      No, I have not already been drinking!
    • If it does increase lift then maybe there will be less friction to the road.
      Of course that would mean less useful brakes as well.
      In either case it probably isn't much.
      It really would need rods to the hogshead (1/1260 mpg) to measure the difference.
      • If it does increase lift then maybe there will be less friction to the road.

        And a lot easier to lose contact on even the slightest turns and plummet into the brush....
      • If it does increase lift then maybe there will be less friction to the road.

        That's the last you want. It's better in increase the down-force for added traction. Take the ball-peen hammer to the underside of the car.

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