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Journal pudge's Journal: Colin Powell Sets Record Straight 2

Everyone who keeps talking about the administration lying etc., and who say my "excuses" are "weak," should listen to/watch Colin Powell's interview on Meet the Press today. He makes quite clear that they all believed the basic WMD story line, that everything presented in the UN speech was backed up by the CIA, and so on.

Russert asked Powell, well, your own intelligence agency at State (INR) disagreed with the intel on the aluminum tubes. Powell responded, and I gave that caveat in my UN speech, but at the end of the day, the CIA's analysis trumps INR's. Duh.

This discussion was created by pudge (3605) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Colin Powell Sets Record Straight

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  • I saw the interview. Powell seems to be focusing more and more on fixing his image. Revelations about the CIA's own doubts about the veracity of the intelligence and the general cluster hump going on in Iraq have got to have the man thinking "I'm going to be remembered for this?!?!" It's not like the guy doesn't have experience putting the best possible spin on a situation.

    And give me a break, Timmeh!'s not exactly clean in the whole Iraq mess either. So his softballs to Powell aren't the fact finding g
    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot

      I saw the interview. Powell seems to be focusing more and more on fixing his image.
      Shrug. Everything he said is true fact, or perfectly reasonable opinion. If you have some evidence to the contrary ...

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