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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Day Before/Rehearsal 2

The decorating was all to be done the day before the wedding. My mom forbid me from helping. So when the parentals left in the morning, I was home alone for a while to just tinker around and worry. Not good.

They came home for lunch, and brought my Uncle Matt (dad's brother) with them, so the four of us ate together. Then they all left again, and I tried to call the MoH back because she had called me earlier in the day. Mom had wanted me to do something with fiance, but he was planning on spending the day with his BM, his cousin Dan, who did not get there until much later in the day than he had counted on.

Anyways, MoH was out with some girls from highschool apparently (none of which I had invited to the wedding), and when she said she was coming to kidnap me for the afternoon, she really meant all of them were coming too. This made for awkward times.

I just kind of tagged along on their already planned outing. It was a lot like highschool in that I didn't really fit in. But then they started asking all about the wedding, and I felt really uncomfortable. I invited them out of guilt.

When I was finally able to escape to get ready for the rehearsal things got stressful. Parentals got back home and informed me that after 7 hours the decorating was no where near being done. We all had to change into nicer clothes because we were working under the impression that fiance's side of things were all going to be jazzed up.

We get there on time, which turned out to be early by everyone else's watches. Fiance and his family are all just wearing normal clothes, so we looked way out of place. After various bloopers (including the church guy making a big thing over thinking that we were going to repeat the vows even though I had already insisted that we not do that) we went to Olive Garden for the rehearsal dinner.

After that, I was still forbidden from helping to finish the decorations, so my MoH dropped me back off at home to sit by myself some more. Fortunately fiance and Dan came over to play Bocci ball (like I had wanted to in the afternoon with them and MoH, but no one cooperated), which was pretty fun.

I was so stressed, but believe it or not I actually got some decent sleep that night.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Day Before/Rehearsal

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  • My wife is an event coordinator/wedding planner and I have been drafted to help on all of her events thus far. While the amount of time needed to decorate has always struck me as slightly insane, its the cleanup that seems to linger forever.

    On a side note, when I see MoH my first thought is the Medal of Honor video game series. Makes for an odd twist whilst reading;-)

    • Actually I think the cleanup took a lot less time than the decorating. Honestly, I'm not really sure how the decorating itself took all that long. They did have to vacuum the chapel and iron the table cloths, but the actual decorating was just throwing stuff on the tables, and propping things up. It all did look very nice when they were done. If I am calculating it out right, they probably spent like 9 hours decorating, and it only took like 1 hour to do the cleanup. They may have had more help for th

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