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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: Bridal Shower, attempt 2.0 2

I figure that to fill in on what all happened while I was gone, I should start at the beginning.

There wasn't one.

My MoH sent out emails to everyone, but no one could attend. She gave me a card, and Amanda (1 of the 2 people that had promised a party earlier) had given her a card for me. Both had gift cards in them, so she took me shopping and I bought some of the stuff that I had forgotten to put on the registry.

It was fun to spend time with her, but it was basically a bust. I guess that's just another experience I will have to miss out on. I guess the thing that bums me the most is that then fiance had 2.5 bachelor's parties, and I didn't even get 1 party myself.

I guess that if I had invited more of the girls from highschool to the wedding sooner, they would have been able to come to a party. But I never really meshed with them anyways, so the experience would have not been what I had hoped then either. Oh well.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Bridal Shower, attempt 2.0

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  • Congrats on the wedding thing. My Bachelor Party was going to a Mariner's game with some friends, and my wife didn't really get one:-( Its difficult when your closest friends are coming in from a long distance and your time is limited.

    I look forward to hearing more.

    • Thanks for the congrats!

      There were a couple of friends (the ones who promised Bridal shower 1.0, which failed) that were in town, but also couldn't come. My college friends were about 2 hours away, and if they had more warning, probably could have gotten time off from work, if they wanted to come (not sure if they would have wanted to, since none of them came to the wedding either).

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
