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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: I survived 18

I survived the whole finishing-planning-last-minute thing, as well as the wedding, as well as the honeymoon and am now safe back in the apt.

Marriage liscence was waiting at my parents house when we got back from the honeymoon. The lady at the courthouse spelled my mom's name wrong (with a G instead of a J), even though I had spelled it out for her. My mom says that we have to file for a correction because of that. Sounds like a pain. Is it necessary?

I'll have to do better JE's about the various things I've done over the past 3 weeks. For now I'm going to try to go back and catch up on everyone else here, which will take a while since I literally have not been on the dot for the entire time I've been gone.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

I survived

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  • and don't spend too much time of a new marriage on-line!
  • No card, but I did put up a poem []. :-)

    A typo on the marriage license, in particular the spelling of your mother's name, will have no effect on it at all. Most likely not worth the time to correct. If it's important to your mother, perhaps she should take care of it. :-)
    • Thanks!

      I didn't think that the typo was terribly important, since it is just one letter off. She insisted that because it was a legal document it had to be corrected. All the necessary signatures are on it, and his and my names are correct, so I figured that was all that was really important.

    • Most likely not worth the time to correct. If it's important to your mother, perhaps she should take care of it. :-)

      Ah, spoken with the confidence of someone who doesn't actually have to tell Mom themself. :-)
      I suppose queenofthe1ring could say someone on /. agreed. Make that 2 people.
      • Eh, we have it with us here, hours away. So maybe she'll forget about it, and not bring it up again, since she won't be able to see it anymore. I think she is just sensitive because her name is usually mis-spelled, and -pronounced. I do feel kind of bad about it though, since I didn't notice it before we left the courthouse, so they couldn't just correct it then.

        Oh well.

      • Ah, spoken with the confidence of someone who doesn't actually have to tell Mom themself. :-)

        Indeed. To be fair, I would have had a very hard time saying that to my parents when I was her age. It took me a while to learn to set those boundaries - and how important it is to do so.
  • Hope things go better from here.
    • thanks! So far so good.

      being married makes me feel old. Especially since I'm now an aunt. It was so weird to hear his older sister say to her kids, "tell Aunt Queen goodbye". Old, old, old!

  • I hope married life treats you very well. :)
  • guessing you have a lower stress level now ? :)

    • Yes, I have much much lower stresslevels now. Even the stress between me and now husband, are much lower. I hadn't really realized that there was stress between us until it was gone.

      And, thanks!

  • Must feel good to be able to breathe again :)
    • Thanks! And yes, it is quite wonderful to finally have all of that behind me and be able to relax.

      How was (is?) Spain?

      • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
        Madrid was fun, though rather warm. Too warm actually. Sangria is a good thing ;-)

        I'll write a trip report soon...

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
