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Journal produke's Journal: Top methods for faster, speedier web sites 1

Top Methods for Faster, Speedier Web Sites
  1. Make fewer HTTP requests
    Reducing 304's with Cache-Control Headers
  2. Use a CDN
  3. Add an Expires header
    Caching with mod_expires on Apache
  4. Gzip components
  5. Put CSS at the top
  6. Move JS to the bottom
  7. Avoid CSS expressions
  8. Make JS and CSS external
  9. Reduce DNS lookups
    Use Static IP address, use a subdomain for static content.
  10. Minify JS
    Refactor the code, compress with dojo
  11. Avoid redirects
    Use internal redirection with mod_rewrite, The correct way to redirect with 301
  12. Remove duplicate scripts
  13. Turn off ETags
    In htaccess, FileETag None Header unset ETag
  14. Make AJAX cacheable and small
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Top methods for faster, speedier web sites

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  • Include only the JS needed for the page.

    If most of the site has no interactive content, then those pages don't need you to include the entire ajax library if you're not going to use it. Ditto for rollover functions when nothing on the page has rollovers and so on.

If a 6600 used paper tape instead of core memory, it would use up tape at about 30 miles/second. -- Grishman, Assembly Language Programming
