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Journal eno2001's Journal: RELIGION: If You Believe This... 3 need serious help. Having grown up in a mixed catholic/fundamentalist christian home, I'm glad I escaped the lunacy that is modern fundamentalism (as well as the odious counterpart called Catholicism). Are there ANY religious people with common sense? Yes. I suspect there are. And if they exist, I suspect they find the site linked above both disturbing and darkly humorous. Unfortunately, those who believe in the notions that the site above espouses are also being armed to vote in 2008. We must stop them at all costs. They have no right to participate in the election unless they have two feet planted firmly on the ground and aren't dreaming of mansions in heaven.

Disclaimer: If you're religious and take offense to my JE, you might want to analyze why you take it so seriously. The Bible is only slightly historical and definitely not to be taken literally. Especially where future events are concerned. Because if you do take it literally and that seriously, then there is little difference between you and a follower of the writings of Nostradamus.

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RELIGION: If You Believe This...

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  • Who is More crazy? The crazy people at Rapture Ready or the guy posting about it on slashdot?

    And when you say "they must be stopped at all costs", do you really mean it? That to me is true insanity. Not only are you proposing is illegal, but I wonder how you would respond if someone at RR posted that all atheists should be prevented from voting "at all costs"????

    You are just as insane as they are, perhaps even more so!

fortune: cpu time/usefulness ratio too high -- core dumped.
