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Journal tuxette's Journal: tastes like oranges... 10

boyfriend of tuxette and I were at a wine tasting sponsored by Wine Australia last night. While we found a few wines that we would definitely consider buying in the future, most of the wines offered were rather boring - they were just too tame. Especially the red wines. They were especially lacking in full-bodiness and bite. We like wines that punch you in the face. Boxed fruit juice is for kiddies... (But if you're a wine newbie, these wines would probably work for you. They're very mild and easy-to-drink.)

One of the last of the boring wines we tried tasted like oranges. But in a bad way. Like bad gløgg or something. Not quite sure how to describe it. However, the very last wine we tried, a 1987 vintage (Hunter Valley I think it was - will look it up and edit the details later), also tasted like oranges. But in a very nice way. Damn, that was a good wine. (The winery had lots of other goodies too!) As we tried this at the end of the event, we each got a full glass to enjoy... %-)

Had that wine been available in Norway, it would cost somewhere between 1600 and 2000 NOK...

And yes, we were both quite sloshed at the end of the evening. And yes, we both made it to work this morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed...

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tastes like oranges...

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  • that I can use to frame a house. No need to be an overly priced batch either.
    • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
      How proficient are you in California wines? The selection is limited here, so it would be easy for me to post a list of what is available and hope for some decent comments/critiques...
      • I'm not so good on the advice front. I say if it is not too expensive...drink it...drink more if it is good...or cook it up if it isn't. Something like Coq a vin.
      • by linzeal ( 197905 )
        I like sin zin [wine.com], not esp for its current vintage which is a bit too drawn out and oaky but for the consistent spice of it. Have tasted a similar spice in other zins but not as consistently.
  • We like wines that punch you in the face.

    Might I suggest Gin, perhaps? Punches me in the face every time.
  • Try the Malbecs from Argentina..... I absolutely fell in love with them after this last trip to S. America.

    • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
      Argentinian Malbecs are nice. We have a few favorites. Maybe we'll try a new one this weekend...
      • by BWJones ( 18351 ) *
        If you can find the them the Familia Zuccardi Q wines are quite nice. I've tried the Tempranillo, the Merlot and the Malbec and all three were quite tasty with the Malbec being my favorite.

  • So, no Shirazes then?!
    • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
      Lots of shirazes, some of them excellent but most were surprisingly lacking in "shiraziness" :-/

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