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Journal GMontag's Journal: The New Republic Calls for 2nd Amendment Repeal 2

Ditch the Second Amendment. Gun Shy by Benjamin Wittes

[T]his seems to me the right response to the amendment no matter which broad historical interpretation is correct. If, in fact, the amendment embodies only a collective right and the right to keep guns is indelibly linked to membership in the old militias--institutions that no longer exist--the amendment is already a dead letter. Repealing it would be then a simple matter of constitutional hygiene, the removal of a constitutional provision that has no function now nor could in the future but that, by its language, encourages the belief in an armed citizenry that I, for one, do not wish to see.

The final solution from TNR.

This discussion was created by GMontag (42283) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

The New Republic Calls for 2nd Amendment Repeal

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  • I like guns well enough in rural areas. I don't like them in cities. I don't believe that the Constitution ought to prevent my hometown of Washington, D.C.--which has a serious problem with gun violence--from making a profoundly different judgment about how available handguns should be than the New York legislature would make for the hamlet near my old camp.

    Yeah, how's that working for ya?

    Also, I've never seen a metropolitan city that would hesitate to attempt to dictate the way things ought to be run out in the sticks.

    • by pudge ( 3605 ) * Works for Slashdot
      I love this. And this [loc.gov]. The original AWB helped give the GOP a majority in both houses of Congress, and I am ready for round two. :-)

      But really, the only rational response to this TNR author is something along the lines of:

      I like free speech well enough in newspapers. I don't like it in online. I don't believe that the Constitution ought to prevent Congress from making a profoundly different judgment about how free speech should be on the Internet -- which has a serious problem with free speech -- than th

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