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Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: It's my party and I'll cry if I want to 7

Only I didn't really cry much. And there wasn't a party.

Months ago I may have mentioned that my "friends" Priscilla and Amanda had offered to throw me a bridal shower. Indeed that was all they would talk to me about for the first couple months. And as soon as they picked the date and the place I stopped hearing from them at all.

So as the date draws near and I don't know what time I'm supposed to be at the place. So at that point I figure that they canceled the party and didn't bother to tell me. Which sucks, but since they are sucky friends it's not like it's out of the question for them to do that. My mom and fiance kept trying to tell me to be positive because surely they wouldn't have been that inconsiderate.

So the day of the party I still haven't heard from them. So I call Amanda first because I have her home number and ask her what time and where I needed to be that night. She says she doesn't know and that I should call Priscilla.

So I call Priscilla and ask her the same questions. She says she doesn't know and that I should call Amanda. So I tell her that Amanda had told me to call her. So she says she has to call Amanda and that she'll call me right back.

The gist being that yes, the party was canceled. Not even that it was canceled but that it had never been planned or even thought about. The bad part is that Priscilla tried to put all the blame on me and had about 5 non-concentric excuses for why there wasn't going to be a party.

Worse yet is that my mom feels bad for me. And yet she still wants me to ask them to help in the wedding.

Worst is that Rachel's party is on Saturday. I wasn't even invited (not that I would have gone) and that there was apparently plenty of time and people to come and they spent all their time planning her party instead of mine, even though she wasn't even engaged when they had promised me my party.

Priscilla asked if there was a time they could reschedule but she did not sound apologetic or even interested. Mom says I should let them try again, but I think that would be pretty pointless.

I'm not really disappointed, because I expected this would happen. I still feel pretty shitty though. I guess what's really the worst is that I know they don't even feel the least bit bad.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

Comments Filter:
  • Follow through on what you know of folks.

    It's too bad - and what I really wish you is a happy wedding, and a caring marriage! :-)
    • Everyone always says "people change" but I've largely found that to be untrue. At least in the space of a few years people do not change significantly.

      I really wish you is a happy wedding, and a caring marriage!

      Thanks, friend! :-)

  • I think that you should try and find a way to make some good memories for the wedding. Things that matter to you, things that you can find joy in. Your fiance should be willing to help - starting a marriage with bad memories is not how you want to begin. That should be obvious, even to a guy :-), but you could tell him if he doesn't get it.

    And yes, they're not good friends. And yes, you are disappointed - and you should be. That's the feeling that goes with what happened. But you are also able to make
    • To quote a very exasperated former coworker who was in the midst of his daughter's wedding planning: "If you ever have the bright idea to get married, ELOPE!"
    • I get what you say about making good memories, because right now the wedding is kind of an emotional low spot for me. Any suggestions on how to do that?

      you are also able to make your own choices, and to make your own happiness.

      I don't think that happiness involves them anymore. Things always ended up like this, and I've just run out of energy to keep those relationships going. It's kind of ironic in that my mom always said I was unhappy because I never did anything with my friends. My "friends"

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • I wouldn't want anything to do with them.

      To add insult to injury they're now avoiding me online as much as they possibly can (since I'm no longer in town that's the only means of communication I have with them). I don't think they'll ever even apologize.

      The worst thing is that my mom keeps insisting I have to ask them to help out with the cake and punch and what not. "To make amends" "so they can feel included" etc. Item #19 billion that my mom is insane.

      I don't even want to invite them to t

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