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The Almighty Buck

Journal queenofthe1ring's Journal: CitiBank sucks 4

I've been sick again recently, which is why I've been MIA this time. I'm not fully better yet, so I'll probably still be catching up for a while.

Anyways, I have a CitiBank credit card. I had it for years, but only just now started using it because for some retarded reason I thought it would be a good thing to do. You know, try to start building good credit and shit.

Well, since I no longer live at home, I used their web interface to change my address to the apt here, so that I would be able to get my statements promptly. I got my first statement, paid the bill early, using the online interface once again.

I never received anything from them in the mail. So today I figured I would check online to see if it had my address wrong. My current bill is twice as much as I was expecting it to be. Never got any statements in the mail here (and my mom did not include any in the mail that she sent me last week, so I don't think they went there either). My address is listed as being here, and since I got one here I have no freaking clue what happened to the other ones.

Apparently one was supposed to have come like a month ago. So I have outrageous fees listed on my online statement because I have a "late payment" or something. Or maybe the email they sent me about my last payment still being early wasn't really processed until several days after they sent the email, so that one was late. Either way it's not really fair. I certainly would have paid my bill on time if they could have been bothered to send it to me.

I'm going to have fiance look over it when he gets back home from work to make sure I am reading this correctly. If I am then I am going to call them and complain and see if I can get them to take the late-fees off. If not I will pay the balance and cancel my card. Because this is fucked up. Actually I might cancel it even if they do take the late-fees off, because I don't like to give morons more than one chance with my money.

This discussion was created by queenofthe1ring (768698) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

CitiBank sucks

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  • I didn't get my credit card bill one month, and I was able to have the late fee reversed. They should be pretty good about it if it's your first "offense." If not, well, you know what to do.
    • I did call them, and after talking to 2 of the schmoes (the first guy hung up on me) I got to a supervisor who said she would take the charges off for me. It's been a couple hours, and the charges are still showing online, so I guess it takes their system a little while to update? I will probably be calling them again tomorrow. Sigh.

      Apparently their online payment thing is fucked up as well. Because even though it assured me that my payment had gone through, it had not. So now I have a delinquent

  • Recently Citi Bank Group merged Nikko securities which is one of the three main securities companies in Japan, resulting in an epochmaking participation in the domestic market in finance.
  • I've had pretty good luck with them in the year or so I've had my card. Their online account management is pretty good and they'll send you email alerts.

    Like all card companies you'll get slammed with late fees and possibly higher interest if you miss a payment though. Not that I've done this yet.

    Citi wasn't the worst card company I've dealt with but they weren't great either.

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
