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Journal eno2001's Journal: WEIRD NEWS: Hand in a Jar 4

It should be made a little more known that trafficking in human body parts is not legal. On the other hand, allowances should be made for people who might want to keep parts as decorative motifs... ;P

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WEIRD NEWS: Hand in a Jar

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  • So that's what happened to him;-)
  • by tuxette ( 731067 ) *
    Imagine that... "honey... can't you please please pretty please get me a hand in a jar? Valentine's Day is coming up you know..."
  • I don't think he was trafficking in body parts. Neither posessing it nor giving it away is illegal. Selling it would have been. He just stole it.
    • by eno2001 ( 527078 )
      Hmm... Well maybe I'm getting confused. I think what I was remembering is that it's illegal to send human body parts through the mail. That came up a few years back when pornstar, Houston, sold her trimmed off labia on an x-rated version of Ebay. There wasn't any trouble in that particular case (a collector bought them for a few grand), but in a discussion thread on the matter someone mentioned that you can't send that stuff via regular mail.

There are no data that cannot be plotted on a straight line if the axis are chosen correctly.
