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Journal eno2001's Journal: CANADIAN FILM: What Movie Was This? 2

Back in the late 70s or possibly VERY early 80s, I used to have a hobby called "DXing". I would set up all sort of TV antenna arrays to try and receive shows from other states or nearby Canada. I was very successful in getting programs from Ottawa, Windsor and Kitchener. One of the stations I got was a CBC station. On one Saturday evening, there was a film that was being shown that was a premiere of some sort. It was supposed to be a Canadian film, and I swear they said it was called, "Rough Cut" (Not the Burt Reynolds film). But I have not been able to find reference to it anywhere.

The story was about a boy who bounces from one abusive foster home to the next and basically has a pretty difficult life. I remember there were some VERY notable scenes in the film that would definitely not have passed US censorship muster. One that stands out is the boy witnessing the couple who has custody of him having a huge quarrel and then having really ugly "make up" sex on the kitchen table right in front of him. Another is when he runs away and befriends a Canadian indian who gives him advice on life. During this discussion the indian says something alluding to the passage "... like flies on shit..." which again caught me and my family off guard since this kind of language NEVER made it on over the air TV in the US.

I never saw the end of the film, although I expect it's pretty much a downer, since the signal faded on us about half way through and didn't come back. Any of my Canadian friends have any recollection of this movie? I'd like to eventually see it in it's entirety just to know how the hell it ends.

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CANADIAN FILM: What Movie Was This?

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