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Journal Sylver Dragon's Journal: Wii hunt 2

Along with far too many other people, I have been trying to get a Nintendo Wii since December. So far, no luck. Part of the problem is that I haven't been trying all that hard to get one. I have yet to wait out front of a store all night for anything, and I don't plan on starting now. So, today on my way home from work, I decided to hit the usual suspects (I had heard that one local Target had received 50 units today an sold out already). Also, with my commute, I am able to make a few quick changes to the normal routine and hit several stores with ease. So, 10 stores later and still no Wii. I guess I'll just have to try again another day, possibly tomorrow.
The thing that struck me as truly funny in all of this was that, at every store I visited, there was at least one PS3 available. In one store, out of curiosity, I checked to see if it was the 60GB version, and sure enough, it was. I know that the Wii has gotten all of the press and that the PS3 has taken a beating in online forums and the like, but is it really doing that bad? Granted, I know that personally the only way I would get a PS3 at the moment, is if someone gave it to me, but that's just because I have only seen one game that looks good at the moment, and for $600, it had better suck me off while I'm playing. Whereas, I would dry-hump the leg of a store clerk who told me that a Wii was in stock. Even if all I could get was the system and the bundled WiiSports, I would be ecstatic.
Of course, my true shame in not having a Wii yet is that my father managed to buy one at the second shipment in December and he hardly even qualified as a casual gamer. Now he an my mother are WiiGolf an WiiBowling addicts. Though, they cheated, they were buying a $2000 TV and signing up for DirectTV at CircuitCity and just asked the salesman about it, he offered to hold one for them. They had gotten their first hit from my brother bringing his over an showing it off. He really cheated, he's a programmer at a game company, they get all of the cool toys first.
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Wii hunt

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  • We got on a waiting list at our local GameCrazy, so we got one from the second shipment. Of course I haven't lived in the Bay Area in close to 5.5 years, so I don't even know where I would begin to look for a game store.

    Good luck!

  • If possible try to get out of town and check the stores in the surrounding areas, or better yet find a friend who lives outside of town and ask them the check.

    Prior to Christmas, with minimal effort, a couple friends and I were able to get our hands on a half dozen Wiis and he could have gotten a few more if anyone had wanted one. Luckily they all work about 50 minutes outside of town in a place just large enough to have a Wal-Mart (and not much else) and Wiis would routinely sit on the shelf for a day or

UNIX enhancements aren't.
