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Journal TechnoLust's Journal: Why I deleted the last JE. 10

The last JE was deleted because it had been up for a short time and there were already people reading into things that weren't there, and a few people just flat out made some shit up. I honestly wonder if people saw that I went to see a girl and just stopped reading because they thought they knew the situation. In any case, I knew when I posted it that there was a high probability that I'd have to delete it, but I risked it anyway. I'm sorry that I had to take the better comments out with the "OMG! TL yur so stoopud, y don't u stp datin yung grls so u don't hav 2 deal with this?" comments from people that didn't know that she's 27 and didn't read the part where we aren't dating.
This discussion was created by TechnoLust (528463) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Why I deleted the last JE.

Comments Filter:
  • Can we call you "stoopid" in this journal entry? (I refuse to use an abbreviation for Oh My God, or any of those other insipid defilers of the written language, unless it's LSHISMP. It's still a toss up whether I'll regularly use "emoticons" although that term sounds like robots that change into disaffected youths for a disuise.)
    • The Emoticons are emotional unstable outcasts formally affiliated with the Decepticons.

      You insensitive clod. :(
      • by Deamos ( 108051 ) *
        The Emoticons are emotional unstable outcasts formally affiliated with the Decepticons.

        Hah! Would you mind if I stole that and used it as a sig?
  • The one I saw in the previous journal told you to stop dating high maintenance crazy chicks, not young chicks. There is a difference. Oh sure, some chicks are crazy because they are young and just don't know any better, but for the most part a young crazy chick will just become an old crazy chick. Age has nothing to do with the craziness.
    • Someone said stop dating college girls, let them grow up first. I never said this girl was in college. And she's definitely the sanest girl I know.
      • And she's definitely the sanest girl I know.

        Now I know why your dating seems like a series of one night stands to me. If that's the sanest girl you know, you hang out with some rather strange and wonderful people.
      • by Tet ( 2721 )
        Someone said stop dating college girls, let them grow up first. I never said this girl was in college. And she's definitely the sanest girl I know.

        So I'm guessing that's why you're not dating her, then :-)

      • The 3 simple things to keep in mind:

        1. Age has nothing to do with maturity.
        2. Age has nothing to do with maturity.
        3. Age has nothing to do with maturity.

        If you don't believe that, look at your previous bosses who acted like spoiled kids ...

        There are people who have finished university who lack the "social smarts" of others who dropped out of college.

        If you don't believe that, look at your previous bosses who acted like spoiled kids ...

        There are people who will never grow up and learn that you just have

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
