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Journal peacefinder's Journal: [SO] "Oh, hey. Let me get the scrotums off of that first." 7

This isn't, strictly speaking, a SO story. This is actually a story about my father-in-law's truck and my ex-roomate's refigerator.

See, my ex-roomate split with her SO about a year ago. She had just purchased a shiny new french-door fridge for them, and when they split he agreed to keep it and buy it from her at full price. Last month she asked him when he planned on paying for it, and he said something to the effect of "I never said that I would." So my ex-roomate called me for help moving it. We'd been shopping for just such a fridge, and offered to buy it from her. Turned into a good deal all around. But we had to haul it home ourselves.

Neither of us have a vehicle capable of moving a fridge. Therefore we asked to borrow my father-in-law's truck. Her parents live on a farm out in the boonies, the truck was out of gas, and her sister had used the last of the emergency gas can without replacing it. We had a fun time trying to siphon gas from my Subaru, and eventually we got enough in the truck to (probably) get it to the nearest gas station, 15 road miles away. (Did I mention the truck gets about 10 MPG?)

At last we're all ready to pile in the truck and go, when my FIL drops the line which demands its place in history: "Oh, hey. Let me get the scrotums off of that first." We looked puzzled, while he walked around in front of the truck. There on the hood were two fuzzy sheep scrotums lying on the hood. Apparently he had recently butchered a couple ram-lambs and needed a place to dry their scrotums before curing them into sacks..

I suggested that we should bring one for my ex-roomate as a symbol of what she'd like to do to her ex, but my SO suggested that we wait until after the scrotums were cured.

Sensible suggestion, I thought.

Updated to remove accidental apostrophe abuse. The horror!

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[SO] "Oh, hey. Let me get the scrotums off of that first."

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  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    What exactly does one keep inside bags made from sheep scrotums? Fine tobacco? Heirlooms (family jewels *snicker*)? Marbles?
    • Just scrotums, I'll wager.



    • In my SO's case, the umbillical cords she shared with her kids. Which is sort of a full circle thing, except they're not really the right scrotums. (The rams were pretty much innocent bystanders, after all.)

      I dunno what he has planned for these. But having given it a little thought, I really want a furry dice-bag. If I had one, I'd go down to DnD day at the local game store and plop that sucker on the table just to freak the teenage boys out.
  • I think you win Best Story of the Year.
    • Oh, wow. I'm glad you liked it, but that particular honor... well, I don't feel worthy. I know I get huge bonus points for having an excuse to use the word "scrotums" in a true story, but I think there have been much better-written efforts out there this year.

      Thanks for the nomination, though!
  • *Fox*worthy, that is... "If you use your truck hood to cure ram-lamb happy-bags, you *might* be a redneck."
    • This is but one indicator of many. There is no doubt whatsoever that my FIL is a redneck, scrotum-drying practices be damned. The number of rusting car hulks in the yard alone is enough to prove that.

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