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  • Unfortunately, I recently moved so was unable to register in time at my new location (all the way across the state).

    I guess I could have cheesed and voted absentee at my old location, but kind of defeats the purpose since I am no longer a constituent to anyone but the senator.
  • I turned in my ballot last Friday;-) One of the board seats for the Tualatin Valley Soil and Water Agency (or something like that) was unfilled, so I teased my wife that I was going to write her name in;-)
    • It took me until yesterday to decide what to do with measures 46 and 47. I really like the idea of campaign finance reform, but most proposed implementations are seriously flawed. I really hated to vote against these, but.... sigh.
      • I think I voted yes on 46, letting the legislature make changes with 75% of the vote seemed like a good idea, but voted no on 47- 'cause it cause more harm than good. I was tempted to write in Ethelred for Governer.
        • Yeah, I was tempted. But as much as I adore my State and its fellow citizens, we have a habit of enacting initiatives that embody great ideas, but that have serious flaws in their language. Requiring a 3/4 vote of the legislature to fix those inevitable boo-boos seemed a bit too steep.

          If 46 had also required a 60% majority to pass a campaign finance initiative (or only a 2/3 legislative majority) I'd have gone for it.

          (And I did write in Ben Westlund for Governator.)
  • Third Party [slashdot.org]

"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
