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United States

Journal janeowit's Journal: Politics 9

I am so sick of politics. It feels like we have been talking about this upcoming election for six months, and it isn't even a presidential election. I am sick of reading about all the things that people are doing that nobody is happy about. I am sick of the manipulation of the truth and underhanded tricks.

I've never met an undecided person. I am not even sure they exist. I hate talking about politics with someone I don't agree with, because no matter how long we bring up example after example we'll still think we are right. And I just end up angry and frustrated and we respect each other a little less. I've managed to avoid it for the most part so far, but the thing is, it isn't going to be over tomorrow.

Being the good little citizen I am, I went to do some last minute research so I would be familiar with everyone I was voting for. And I was completely shocked. Guess what is on my ballot, a chance to vote on a constitutional amendment that bans gay marriage. But the progression for Wisconsin doesn't end there; I also get to vote on an amendment reinstating the death penalty! By the by, Wisconsin holds the record for longest time without an execution.

I am so sick of politics.

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  • I think all the parties are in on it.

    It really gets going globally with Clinton - through no fault of his own - the the internet had been around for people to flame each other over Nixon... anylou...

    There seems to be a concerted effort to have turned politics into a sport. A real one with jerseys and everything. It seems to be backfiring.

    Politics is too ugly for most and not dark enough for some.

    Voting is imoprtant though despite what Blackbox says.
  • Those are really backwards crappy ammendments. While you're voting against them, would you mind funding a few SEX studies for me? Because we all know that's what you Wisconsin kids really do with your money.

    The only ammendment on our ballot was the sales-tax-on-vehicles-goes-to-tranportation one. It was tough, but I decided to vote against it. As much as I love trains and think that we need more of them, the constitution really isn't the place for that.
    • I think we also have to approve an addition to our town hall which will move our police station from the basement to the first floor, and road work on Station circle and Station lane.

      Yes, the town has to vote to approve any spending over $150,000.

      We have a president, you just have a mayor... neeneer neeneer neeneer
  • I'm still undecided on a couple of the California ballot propositions.
    • How is that positive and negative information from political parties helping you make your decision?
      And lawn signs, are they helping?

      I'm sure you'll know by the time you'll vote.
      • Actually, I like the Legislative Analyst's estimates of fiscal impact. If there's a lot of money being spent on awareness (more ads, phone calls, lawn signs), it's usually an indicator to me that whatever is being proposed is worthy of more study.
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    ...we respect each other a little less...

    And here lies the problem.... (not pointing a finger at you specifically, just many people's problem)

    I read plenty of people's journals here that I don't agree with, but I still respect them and their opinion. How does the famous saying go? "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire

    Of course, I also firmly believe that I am not all-knowing, and that I need to re-evaluate my beliefs constantly. That doesn't mean

    • First, I agree with Voltaire, I think people have a right to say what they believe. There is nothing about respect. He doesn't say anything about stupid he thinks you are, which he probably does.

      And point your finger right at me, but I have trouble reconciling the fact that intelligent people would make decisions I think are are unintelligent. If I knew a specific person voting to reinstate the death penalty, I would respect them less. And there are going to be a lot these people, there might even be a majo
  • Well it appears as if the people of Wisconsin eschewed marrying their gay lovers and endorsed killing their imprisoned felons (but only when DNA evidence is involved). But the death penalty initiative was what is called an "advisory" (read: meaningless) initiative, so death penalty language still has to pass in the legislature. The marriage defense amendment also needs approval in Wisconsin's Congress to amend the state constitution. I think the democrats just took the Wisconsin Senate yesterday. So I w

To restore a sense of reality, I think Walt Disney should have a Hardluckland. -- Jack Paar
