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Journal KshGoddess's Journal: Good news, everyone! 10

Well, good news for me, at least. We set a "you have to get out of our house" date for my sister-in-law. 5 months is a bit long to expect someone to feed & house you for free, and it will be 6 months by the time she leaves. It's probably 2 months too late for us to part amicably, but at this point, the goal is to get her the hell out of my house. It was this IM conversation that made me realize how annoyed Ben was with her, and he's her brother.

Ben: sigh, she burnt the pizza so bad that she has to push real hard to cut it.
Ben: fuck
Ben: now i have to listen to her chew
Me: :(
Me: well, 1 month, honey
Ben: could she eat any louder?
Me: yes. she could smack, too
Ben: she does
Me: :(
Me: i'm sorry, honeybunny
Ben: and goes "aocmp"
Me: sigh
Ben: or something like that

He sent her email that said "Come the beginning of December you will have been living here for 6 months, and you will (hopefully) have been gainfully employed for 1 month. Christy and I feel you have reached the extent of our hospitality. We will be asking you to find your own lodgings, and to pay for your own food by the end of November."

We're having my family for Christmas, and I wasn't looking forward to her trying to tell my family (especially Travis) what to do, and showing them around my house as if it were hers. As annoyed as we get when she tells the dog to move (the dog, who is part of our family) out of the chair she likes to sit in... I was forseeing her trying to deal with Travis, causing one of his screaming fits, and then telling us how badly she's being treated.

I'm looking forward to not having to worry about whether or not I'm 'properly dressed' when I go out into the living room. Not having to worry about her embarrassing us when we go out to eat, or about her ordering the most expensive thing on the menu and eating 1/3 of it. I won't have to listen to her say that she's been in the hospital for "running out of energy" when I ask her to do something around the house, and I won't have to go around the house and turn the goddamn lights off all the time. Oh, and I won't have to worry about her being pissy about us not giving her instruction on how to use our tools when we're busy doing other things, or about her using our tools without asking.

Things are looking up, people. Getting her out of our house is definitely a Good Thing.

On the fiber front, I rented a drum carder from my favorite LYS, and have been processing the other half of the shetland fleece I bought at Estes. A friend of ours bought the other half from me, and returned it to me on Wednesday, as she wouldn't have the time to process & spin it for quite a while. I carded it with some sparkly fibers, and am spinning a nice, somewhat thin single with it. The effect is subtle, and fabulous. (For the Fabulous Phoebe, who is the friend.)

We got one of our members back from "the dark side" last week, and she came again this week. MJ came back to us, and we finally found out what the *ENTIRE* brouhaha was about. It was about something that happened at one of the Puppy Parties. TOK's dog bit Lisa's dog, and Lisa said *TO HER DOG* "did that big bad dog scare you?" That's it. That's what broke up the group into 2, and caused TOK and F to blogstalk and leave nasty comments on the blogs of people who decided to continue to hang out together. MJ said that TOK *mailed* her house key to her, but MJ sent her husband over to give TOK her key back. MJ coming back to knit with us was more than that friendship could bear. Ben asked how his impression of TOK could not include "prone to go fucking nuts", and I said that none of us expected that.

Work-wise, the new schedule kicks ass. 4p-2a suits the way that my body wants to arrange its sleep-wake cycle. There's less stress. The guys I work with rock. Oh, and shift differential. ;)

There's my news update for a while; I've got tickets to see BNL on the 21st, and that will be fun, I'm sure. I've got a class to (maybe) teach next Friday on acid dyes, and that will be fun. I've got yarn to dye, yarn to spin, christmas gifts to make. And soon, the sister-in-law will be out of my house, so I can do them on my time.

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Good news, everyone!

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  • they begin to smell after a few days ...

    I've been there, with my own mother and stepfather no less. It was supposed to be for only a month and ened up being 7 months.

    Thankfully they mostly bought their own food. However mom would insist on starting to cook after I'd gone to bed, and she attemped to ruin my good pans and knives on a number of occasions. One of the things that _really_ pissed me off was finding she was using my super-expensive imported Italian olive oil for frying in. And she fried pretty muc
    • Yeah, we caught her about to use a metal spatula on our non-stick griddle a couple of times. She also tried using the green scrubbing pad on it before we shrieked at her to stop. (We use 'tuffy' scrubby things on nonstick.)

      The fact that I'm working weird hours means she's almost always cooking when we're asleep. Last week, she was making hash browns every day that literally turned my stomach. As in, I had to leave the house because she was making these things. Ugh.

      Ben was upset at the thought of his sister
  • but do-able.

    My worst shift ever was 13:00 to 21:00, the entire day and night were eaten up with work.

    I have never had the privilege of having a neverending house guest. Plenty of options, but I chose not to help healthy people laze around, even my own healthy flesh and blood relatives, on my dime and in my space.

    glad to hear your group is mending and hopefully the politics will die down.
    • it's more than do-able, it's great.

      the neverending house guest is on her way out, sooner rather than later, thankfully, and my knitgroup is so much better without the drama-creators.
  • Having dome the same thing (set a three month time limit) and having the annoying guest blow past that, I was actually forced to throw my sister out of my house. I'll spare you the details. Considering it was that, or divorce, the choice was pretty much made for me. But it certainly strained family relations. As a result, my entire family turned against me.

    My response was what you would expect ("FUCK ALL Y'ALL. I DON'T NEED YOU GUYS, YOU GUYS NEED ME.") And the upside is that my family knows that guilt
    • Ben works for a hardware store. Changing the locks won't be difficult. ;)

      Her response was "I was going to leave at the end of December anyway." Although she hadn't made any plans, and hadn't even considered getting her trailer or cat moved here until we pressed the issue. Hopefully, a friend's dad will be able to move her trailer for her. (She owns a travel trailer, but not a truck anymore with the 5th wheel attachment necessary to move the damned thing.)

      Peer pressure makes us stick to our guns even more. T
  • A month of that and I'd be fuming. Two months and I'd have set an ultimatum of one month more.
    • we didn't realize how long it had been until we sat back and counted. I'm mostly appalled that a 35-year-old able-bodied person would expect this from anyone. Even from family.

      The thing that drives me most nuts is that she treats our house like her house, and just leaves shit around. It's ok for me and Ben to be slobs, it's OUR HOUSE. We pay for the damned thing. It's not ok for someone who doesn't contribute a single penny to be possessive about it.

  • People like you are allowed to vote. People like you should be allowed to sort shit and nothing else.

    Republic indeed.


    • here are the facts:

      This is my husband's sister, age 35, able-bodied, able to work.
      She has been supported by their mom financially for 35 years.
      Their dad had a stroke and was no longer able to support the 2 adult children who don't live with him (and don't live near him). (The other 3 adult children support themselves.)
      We offered to take her in until she could find a job and a place to stay.
      She eats our food, she leaves all our lights on, she uses our water, she turns on the gas fireplace when we're not home

The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time. -- Merrick Furst
