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[NYT] Working Mothers Find Some Peace on the Road

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  • it's what men have been doing for years -- just makes sense.
  • So here's the commentary of the last person who posted this article...

    After slogging through airports, sitting through PowerPoints and networking through lunches, there is, at the end of the day, a small taste of freedom.

    Yes, FREEDOM. Freedom from the Guantanamo that is their McMansion, freedom from the Abu Ghraib abbatoir that is their office, freedom from the Argentinian torture camp that is their very existence.

    And every working woman has a job where she slogs through airports and networks through lunch

    • This must be in the NYT Styles section, aka Lifestyles of the Upper Middle Class and Not Really Famous (but think they are), i.e. the NYT target demographic.

      Seriously though, have these moms ever thought of online bill pay?

    • Completely agreed- nobody asked them to live in Manhattan for crissakes- there are *MUCH* cheaper places to raise children out there, and I'll just bet they could get by with one income and no working mother if they lived in say, Iowa.
  • At the Park Hyatt Los Angeles during the 5-to-8-p.m. Manicures & Martinis, Pinots & Pedicures happy hour in the Kara Spa, chitchat often turns to children.

    There was an Ask Slashdot a couple of years ago (here []) where someone asked how to get a career with extensive travel and was mostly told "You'll be sorry!"

    I can tell you that on my business travel, there's no Manicures, Pinots or Pedicures. (Although the occasional Martini makes an appearance, but not at 5!) I suppose it might be different for th

What the gods would destroy they first submit to an IEEE standards committee.
