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Journal Iamthefallen's Journal: Random fact 13

When the baby is fussy I'm usually the one that will walk around with him and pat him on the butt until he falls asleep.

While Tammy gives up after 5-10 minutes because her arm is falling off, I have amazing stamina in my right arm, and can keep patting him for however long it takes.

Hi, just thought a journal update was in order.

New computer parts making their way back to me, working on the master bathroom, freaking out over money. Same ol' really.

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Random fact

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  • I have amazing stamina in my right arm, and can keep patting him for however long it takes.

    Lots of one-arm pull-ups to strengthen that arm, eh?
  • After 5 minutes I'd probably do what I do with all noisy things.

    Wrap them in a towel and stuff them in the closet.
  • she could bounce the baby for hours, but it's easier for her if you do it. My wife plays the same game with me.
    • She's already got the advantage through the power of boobies, now you're saying she's smarter too?!

      No fair.

      Went up to Huntersville two weeks ago for a wedding, seems like a nice place from what little I saw.

      • by Mantorp ( 142371 ) *
        Yeah we really like it thus far. The one oddball thing that drives me nuts is the town and the surrounding ones are on this monster size lake (Lake Norman), yet there's not a single spot with swimming access for the public. There's one park at the north end of the lake with a swimming beach but it's like 40 miles away. There are several parks around the lake down here but the rangers will hassle you if you as much as dip a toe in the water. I'm not sure whether the concern is people drowning or that they do
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    With the first, I walked her around until I thought my arms would fall off. With the second, I spent $100 on a swing, and damn it was worth every cent. Plunked her down, turned it on, and then would stay with her for a bit (like, maybe a minute) and she would fall asleep. The only thing I hated was it ran on batteries only, so we had to keep plenty of spares (a rechargeable solution would have been nice). Don't get me wrong; I loved holding the lil snuggly kids. But holding them while they fall asleep? Acck
    • C'mon, Nizo, weren't you the least bit tempted to overclock the swing? Just a little...
      • I tried that to see what would happen - I replaced the swing's electric motor with a motor from an impact hammer.

        The bad news is my daughter doesn't fall asleep.

        The good news is she qualifies to be an astronaut.

Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself. -- A.H. Weiler
