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Journal blinder's Journal: Do You Play Guitar? 17

talinom had an interesting journal entry and it got me a thinkin.

do you play guitar? if you do, i want to hear you play. record yourself playing. i don't care how. i'm going to do the same. i'll leave out the "rest of the band" and just record some guitar.

post your mp3 somewhere, or you can email them to me, and i'll post them on my server. i'll then do a je with links to each of them.

nah, this isn't a contest, that'd be fucking stupid... i just think it would be interesting to compile this sort of thing... heh kind of a twisted "foto-con" thing.

so, remember. just guitar. the six strings. acoustic, electric, mic'd, direct, whatever.

This discussion was created by blinder (153117) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Do You Play Guitar?

Comments Filter:
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Does pounding on it like a drum count?
    • We can start another drum one I s'pose. There are probably more of us drummers (because we all know, drummers are cooler than guitar players).
      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        Gah actually I was just making a joke; so far I am pretty much musically uninclined. Though after taking that last art class I will never say I can't do something ever again, right now my musical talents remain largly unidentified :-)
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I do have a input on this X-Fi card... might have to mess around some this week once I'm feeling 100%, provided the baby doesn't come, but yeah - I'll get you something eventually.
  • I *have* a guitar, but I can't really play it.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I'll get you something, but I first have to install some software to record it. Possibly up to a week, depending on how busy I am.

    But I am there, dude.
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      cool. see audacity. its free, and pretty close to pro tools.

      i've posted mine and sam's so far, so get 'em on in :)

      • by Talinom ( 243100 ) *
        Nice interface. It makes sense even to me. :)

        Background: I do not own a Mac. I run Winderz. Audacity doesn't allow me to play my guitar and listen, real time, to the output while I am recording straight into the PC. It allows real time sound output via hardware for the Mac but only delayed sound output via software for everything else. A program called SoundForge (expensive!) does allow real time output.

        Question. Is there anything out there that I can use to record to my PC and hear the output while I
      • by Talinom ( 243100 ) *
        It has been sent to your inbox.
  • but I can't play it. I can play the scale and a few tabs, but that's about it. I'd like to start taking lessons, but haven't had the time yet. I could record a little 'mary had a little lamb' if you want :p
  • I'll need to get all the wires figured out.

    But it sounds like a cool thing to do.

    Sean D.
  • ...I happen to play guitar. Or better: Used to. In all this Becoming-A-Dad, marrying, Buying-A-House and Rebuilding-Said-House I haven't touched my guitar for ages. At least I know exactly where it is, which I can't say of my backup DVDs. Ah well.

    If I knew where my recording equipment is, I'd record Stairway To Heaven just to be the first to satisfy the cliché, but I don't even know in which basement to look for it. :-D

    Nice idea, though. Once I've got my studio up and running, how about some slashdotte

All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
