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The Christian Nationalists

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  • i'll give this a listen later. i'm always interested in this kind of thing. and i personally have concerns about the 'conservative right' and it's association with politics, but they are really different from those who are of a different political persuasion. i think the whole thing is a waste of time and energy that could be channeled to better use. but my question is, why do people who are not religious get so worked up about this? is it not every american's right to participate in the process? i ca
    • Wikipedia: Dominonism []

      Yeah, it's much more (read: worse) than "let us practice our religion." It's more like "we tolerate other religions as long as they recognize that this is a Christian Nation and accept that Christianity will get supported (not "established" - snort) by the government."
      • o.k. - but that doesn't change my point. if enough people don't like it, it wont go anywhere. and people are free to persue political goals, whatever they are. but to hear a lot of the criticism, there is this little group of right wing nuts who are out to take over. but if they are some little group that doesn't represent the majority of americans, then no big deal. if they do represent the majority, well that is how democracy works.
        • if they do represent the majority, well that is how democracy works.

          Well see that is the problem. They attempt to go around democratic institutions to get what they want and they use stealth tactics to get themselves in power.

          This is for instance why they are so obsessed with Federal Judicial appointments.
    • [I} personally have concerns about the 'conservative right' and it's association with politics, but [are they] really different from those who are of a different political persuasion[?]

      Yes, they are.

      The Religious Right and its successor movements are that most tryannical of political organizations, monolithic. If you want to know why, for example, you can't be both for open immigration and against abortion, or pro-gay-rights and anti-war, you can blame the monolithic religious right.

      It's simply undemocrati
      • i don't understand how it is undemocratic. i don't understand why you can't be the things you listed. have they broken the system? doesn't each persons vote still count the same?
        • doesn't each persons vote still count the same?

          The problem isn't so much that representation is harmed, but that the dynamic of the evolution of ideas is greatly harmed, so that democracy ceases to be a mechanism to allow ideas to evolve gently across a swarm of voters. Even if democracy is preserved, those factors that make it a healthy feedback-based system are gravely impeded. In the end, you're better off with a beneficial dictator [], as meaningful debate and evolutionary change have been stymied so d

        • Well, I would posit that there is a difference between a Democratic Republic and Mob Rule. They seek to destroy the system from within.
          • i wouldn't say that everyone having a voice is mob rule. and i guess if they are trying to gain influence and then when in positions of power, change the rules so that they can't be replaced, then that would be a bad thing. i need to listen to the interview i guess. because most of what i've seen so far is more along the lines of, "i don't like what those people think - they shouldn't be allowed to participate"
      • Another quick questions (and these are real questions, not rhetorical questions -- and I really appreciate the informative responses from everybody)-- how would you compare this lack of diversity and allowance for deviation from the right with what is being done to Lieberman for straying from the party line?
        • how would you compare this lack of diversity and allowance for deviation from the right with what is being done to Lieberman for straying from the party line?

          Liberman hasn't just strayed from the Party Line -- he's all but subscribed to the other side. At least, he's come close enough in the eyes of the people who he is ultimately accountable to -- CT state voters.

          If Liberman's opponent were getting enorsed by major players in the party, I'd see your point, but the party line seems to be "we'll support who
  • What about the Catholic Right, which really wants to see the world returned to a single monarchy? Christ is the Once and Future King, and the The Pope [] is his "Vicarious". Of course, then the question arises Which Pope? []

When Dexter's on the Internet, can Hell be far behind?"
