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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Friends of Friends bug? 3

Anyone else have problems with the friends of friends functionality?

Here's a quick test: go to a friend's friend list. Every single person on that list *should* be marked as a friend of a friend. For instance, when I go to CmdrTaco's friends they are all listed as friends of a friend. Unfortunately, his list is the *only* one I can go to where that happens. When I go to any other friend's friend page, everyone is marked as either neutral or a friend.

This same lack of connectivity can be shown on the relations page. The relations at the end are almost always empty, even when I know they exist.

I've also seen other weird irregularities, for instance neal n bob is a foe of heliocentric's and No More Trolls's and a friend of Em Emalb, and he shows up as both a friend of a friend (of Em Emalb) and a foe of a friend (only of Heliocentric's, not of No More Trolls's). He is the only person outside of CmdrTaco's friends who shows up as a friend of a friend or has any stats on the relations page. Just plain weird.

I think the friends and foes of a friend functionality could be quite interesting if it worked properly. Anyone else see this problem, or is it just limited to me?

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Friends of Friends bug?

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  • I think the answer you are looking for can be given by Krow.

    All I know is I used to have 70 or so fans, now I have like 10. It's weird, because no one seems to know why.

    The weird thing is that up until I re-added everyone as a friend, I'd still see their journals. When I added everyone back, a few journals disappeared. Weirdness.
    • When I added everyone back, a few journals disappeared. Weirdness.


      That might explain some problems I have been having.

      I would bitch about being screwed up, but then I remember that since it adds all of about zero functionality over what got me hooked on /. in the first place. . . . heh. I basically see /. as being a little Beta test ground. :)
    • Yeah, I've got the same issues. Add in this "feature." Let's say there's someone posting that I no longer want to read their journals. Hypothetical. I wondered if this was the case so I did an experiment. I list them as neutral now (they are in my phantom friend's list... you know, the one you can't see yet it gets your messages about lost friend's journals) and I still get messages about their journals. No matter what I do, that person's relationship to me remains constant due to that phantom friendship.

      So, not only do I not see who is a fan of mine (well, I can see some, but judging by how I see friend's that I'm not green dot'ing I'm sure there are others out there that fan me, but we just don't dot) but I can't change some relationships.

The moon may be smaller than Earth, but it's further away.
